FRNY Presidents
This gallery is devoted to the 26 people (from 1979 to today) who have served as the Front Runners New York leaders over the years. We’ve included interviews of those who accepted the invitation to be interviewed. Click on the highlighted profiles to read the available interviews.

Malcolm Robinson - 1979-1980
Steve Gerben - 1981-1985 (Click for Interview)
Richard Walker 1986-1987 (Click for Interview)

Jim Skofield - 1988
Lenore Beaky - 1989 - 1990 (Click for Interview)

Greg Valerie 1991-1992
Marty King - 1993 (Click for Interview)

Gary Appruzese -1994

Mike McMahon - 1995

Jim Gibb - 1996

Patrick Barker 1997-1998
Ken Majerus - 1999-2000 (Click for Interview)

2001 - Janet Aitchison

Michael Orzechowski - 2002-2003

Ted Paszek - 2004

Kelsey Louie - 2005-2006

Michael Benjamin 2007-2008

Robert Lennon - 2009-2010

Megan Coryat - 2011-2012

Dave Lin 2013-2014

Steve Waldon 2015-2016

Dan Ferguson 2017-2018

Erick Tatro - 2019-2020

Gilbert Gaona - 2021-2022

Kris Imperati - 2023 - 2024

Ryan Hallett 2025-