Awards Night

On February 22, 2025, the club gathered to celebrate its members' achievements in 2024. As ever, it was an amazing night, and it wouldn't have happened without a lot of hard work. Special thanks goes to the Awards Night Committee and the 2024 FRNY Board of Directors. Below is a list of the award winners for 2024.


Front Runner of the Year - Scottie Nelson
Guy Zelenak Volunteer of the Year - Dan Cooperman, J Solle
AREA Lifetime Achievement Award - Lisa Teague
Dedication Award - Kester Antiquina, Sybil Lamarque, Dennis Hong
 - Patrick Monroe, Nina Stössinger, Keith Castro
Most Improved Athletes - J Solle, Katie Yu, Briccio De Leon
Multisport Athletes - Medea Exogíinos, Francesca Tartaglione, Ben Harrison
Track Runner - Ryan Moy
Middle Distance Runners - Jake Caswell, Alanna Duncan, Craig Nelson
Sue Foster Long Distance Runners - Truth Bachman, Lisa Schartz, Scottie Nelson
Ultra Runners - Isaac Grivett, Jo Neuberg, Brandon Talisesky

Inger-Jo Berger Participation Award
Adam Newton, Alanna Duncan, Andrew MacPhail, Anthony Huang, Bob Wei, Brian Fennessy, Briccio De Leon, Dave Lin, David Cook, Erika Kaiser, Jason Sandler, Katrina Amaro, Kester Antiquina, Kyle Finnegan, Lawrence Lam, Manny Romero, Mauricio Sandoval, Ryan Moy, Sean O'Mara, Timothy Thompson

Presidential Awards
Timothy Thompson, Sean O’Mara, Kyle Finnegan, James Fama, Sonya Choudhury, Ruth Gursky, Stephen Andrews, Zoe Tippl

Achievement Award Winners
18 - 24 - Charlie Hoskins, Mac Mann-Wood, Emilyanne Rodriguez, Sarah Pilley, Jasper Tangchitsumran
25 - 29 - Jake Caswell, Elizabeth Brooks, Scottie Nelson
30 - 34 - Truth Bachman, Alanna Duncan, Dennis Hong
35 - 39 - Allison Leahy, David Dogan
40 - 44 - Robert John Madriaga, Ixel Cervera, J Daniel Ferguson
45 - 49 - Marion Yates, Wendy Lai, David Lin
50 - 54 - Sybil Lamarque, Manny Romero
55 - 59 - Marni Aarlev, Dave Caraway
60 - 64 - Christine Goubet, Richard White
65 - 69 - Michael Jalbert
70 - 74 - Ruth Gursky, Alan Brown
75 - 79 - Patrick Barth, Steve McLure
80 - 84 - Richard Jazwinski

Past Years’ Award Winners


Front Runner of the Year - Richard White
Guy Zelenak Volunteer of the Year - Sybil Lamarque
AREA Lifetime Achievement Award - Gilbert Gaona
Dedication Award - Amol Goyal, Claudia Skok Gibbs, Adam Newton
Newcomers - Luke Hollifield, Erika Kaiser, Andrew MacPhail
Most Improved Athletes - Truth Bachman, Alanna Duncan, Justin LaCoursiere
Multisport Athletes - Medea Exogiinos, Niki Morales, Alberto Ramos
Track Runner - Marty McElhiney
Middle Distance Runners - Kester Antiquina, Yuko Kosugi, Matt Young
Sue Foster Long Distance Runners - Jake Caswell, Anne Lugo, Scottie Nelson
Ultra Runners - Lisa Schwartz, Brandon Talisesky

Inger-Jo Berger Participation Award
Kester Antiquina, Dave Cook, Amir Dehghan, Alanna Duncan, Brian Fennessy, Isaac Grivett, Erika Kaiser, Douglas Larsen, Dave Lin, Andrew MacPhail, Adam Newton, Manny Romero, Jason Sandler, Mauricio Sandoval, Timothy Thompson, René Ugarte

Presidential Awards
Mel Comerchero, Dan Cooperman, Thomas Eller, Briccio DeLeon, Zackary Harris, Karen Mak, Joshua Mintz, Jo Neuberg

Achievement Award Winners
18 - 24 - Justin Norris, Emilyanne Rodriguez, Matt Young
25 - 29 - J. Solle, Kaitlyn Tharp, Scottie Nelson
30 - 34 - Kester Antiquina, Alanna Duncan, Jason Sandler
35 - 39 - Allison Leahy, Ryan Moy
40 - 44 - A.J. Stachalek, Jen Spina, Dan Ferguson
45 - 49 - Kat Cummings, Dave Lin
50 - 54 - Sybil Lamarque, Manny Romero
55 - 59 - Faith Tempest, Mike Keohane
60 - 64 - Christine Goubet, Richard White
65 - 69 - Ruth Gursky, Tom Malcolm
70 - 74 - Jerry Levine
75 - 79 - Inger Jo Berger, Paul Racine
80 - 84 - Richard Jazwinski


Front Runner of the Year - Matthew Browne
Guy Zelenak Volunteer of the Year - David Ernst
AREA Lifetime Achievement Award - Katrina Amaro
Dedication Award - Zackary Harris
Newcomers - Truth Bachman, Meagan Jaskot, Timothy Thompson
Most Improved Athletes - Nicholas Dill, Zoe Tippl, Donny Yung
Multisport Athletes - Alison McKenna, Alberto Ramos-Lorente
Track Runners - Jacob Caswell, Sylwia Padiasek, Trace Otsuka
Middle Distance Runners - Jacob Caswell, Kaitlyn Tharp, Scottie Nelson
Sue Foster Long Distance Runners - Jacob Caswell, Jen Spina, Scottie Nelson
Ultra Runners - Jaime Venezia, Brandon Talisesky

Inger-Jo Berger Participation Award
Brian Fennessy, Gilbert Gaona, David Lin, Manny Romero

Presidential Awards
Mike McMahon/Dave Laurence, Brian Fennessy, Kaylen Johnson, Frank Ligtvoet, J.T. Ramseur, Lisa Teague, Rene Ugarte

Achievement Award Winners
18 - 24 - Jacob Caswell, Kellen Sandvik
25 - 29 - Zackary Harris, Kaitlyn Tharp, Craig Nelson
30 - 34 - Truth Bachman, Jacqueline Ramirez, Lorraine Rubio, Myles Lock
35 - 39 - Bridgett Pitcock, Jenni Swan, Matthew Browne
40 - 44 - A.J. Stachalek, Jen Spina, Dan Ferguson
45 - 49 - Sandra Schmidt, Eduardo Rojas
50 - 54 - Jing Lee, Katrina Amaro, Manny Romero
55 - 59 - Yuko Kosugi, Douglas Larsen
60 - 64 - Christine Goubet, Richard White
65 - 69 - Ruth Gursky, Steven Vizena
70 - 75 - Paul Racine
75 - 79 - Richard Jazwinski


Front Runner of the Year - Steven Gross
Guy Zelenak Volunteer of the Year - Katrina Skovan
AREA Lifetime Achievement Award - Dave Caraway
Dedication Award - Nathalie Abejero, Phil Greenwald
Newcomers - Mukul Sharda, Kaitlyn Tharp, Urie Dvorozniak
Most Improved Athletes - Todd Burke, Ruth Gursky
Multisport Athletes - Jonathan Smith, Katrina Amaro
Track Runners - Chad Uy
Middle Distance Runners - Dan Ferguson, Kaitlyn Tharp
Sue Foster Long Distance Runners - Manny Romero, Anne Duquette,
Zackary Harris
Ultra Runners - Brandon Talisesky, Jo Neuberg

Inger-Jo Berger Participation Award
Katrina Amaro, Dan Ferguson, Manny Romero, Gilbert Gaona, David Lin

Presidential Awards
DJ Dey, Kathleen Moreno-Ketchum, John Solano, Mel Comerchero, Richard White, Sam Lafata

Achievement Award Winners
18 - 24 - Isaac Grivett, Megan Stollsteimer, Jake Caswell, Elliott Vogel
25 - 29 - Zackary Harris, Jordan Dinwiddie, Janine Rafio, Zoe Tippl, Brian Fennessy
30 - 34 - Nico Dodd, Sylwia Padiasek, Melia Moreno-Ketchum, Myles Lock, Ryan Moy
35 - 39 - Bridgett Pitcock, Ixel Cervera, Bron Lee, Matt Browne, Gilbert Gaona
40 - 44 - Anne Duquette, Dan Ferguson
45 - 49 - Sylbil Lamarque, Alberto Ramos, Manny Romero
50 - 54 - Jing Lee, Katrina Amaro, Gen Watanabe, Brandon Rush
55 - 59 - Marni Aarlev, Steven Gross, Douglas Larsen
60 - 64 - Christine Goubet, David Grudzien, Patrick Guilfoyle
65 - 69 - Ruth Gursky, Frank Ligtvoet, Phil Greenwald
70+ - Paul Racine



Front Runner of the Year - Sandra Schmidt
Guy Zelenak Volunteer of the Year - Ryan Wallace
AREA Award for Lifetime Contribution - Marty McElhiney
Dedication Award - Monica Chow, Sam Davidowitz-Neu
Newcomers - Kat Cummings, Mick Aitken
Most Improved Athletes - Andrea Allen, Brandon Talisesky
Multisport Athletes - Ixel Cervera, Da Ping Luo
Track Runners - Lisa Schwartz, Trey Bedingfield
Middle Distance Runners - Sylwia Padiasek, Leons Freddie
Sue Foster Long Distance Runners - Maureen Meehan, Ryan Thoreson
Ultra Runner - Cassie Fuller, Avanti Peters

Inger-Jo Berger Participation Award
Katrina Amaro, Tara Amato, Dave Caraway, Kat Cummings, Dan Ferguson, Cassie Fuller, Matt Frank, Gilbert Gaona, Isaac Grivett, Curtis Knecht, Maureen Meehan, Dennis Ng, Sylwia Padiasek, Sandra Schmidt, Katrina Skovan, Erick Tatro, Faith Tepest, Ryan Thoreson

Presidential Awards
Colin Cavarroc, Joanna Hoffman, Kathleen Ketchum, Sam Lafata, Avanti Peters, Katrina Skovan

Achievement Award Winners
18 - 24 - Andrea Allen, Isaac Grivett
25 - 29 - Sylwia Padiasek, Patrick Stancil
30 - 34 - Kathleen Ketchum, Ryan Thoreson
35 - 39 - Joanna Hoffman, Dan Ferguson
40 - 44 - Maureen Meehan, Andrew Cunningham
45 - 49 - Sandra Schmidt, Gen Watanabe
50 - 54 - Faith Tempest, Douglas Larson
55 - 59 - Maritza Arroyo, Richard White
60 - 64 - Diane Westerback, John Kosa
65 - 69 - Alan Brown
70+ - David Pitches


Front Runner of the Year - Gilbert Gaona
Guy Zelenak Volunteer of the Year - Maureen Meehan
AREA Award for Lifetime Contribution- Philip Greenwald
Dedication Award - Maria Simbro, Daniel Simbro
Newcomers - Patrick Fogarty, Ellen Zemlin
Most Improved Athletes - Monica Chow, Richard Rainville
Multisport Athletes - Christopher Strouse, Katrina Amaro
Track Runners - Sylwia Padiasek, Benjamin Green
Middle Distance Runners - J Daniel Ferguson, Zoe Tippl
Sue Foster Long Distance Runners - Andrea Allen, Mick Aitken
Ultra Runners - Jim Diego, Wendy Lai

Inger-Jo Berger Participation Award
Katrina Amaro, Ixel Cervera, Kat Cummings, Sam Davidowitz-Neu, Philipp Frener, Gilbert Gaona, Patrick Hart, Chris Hollingsworth, Curtis Knecht, Dave Lin, Maureen Meehan, Manny Romero, Katrina Skovan, Erick Tatro, Faith Tempest, Ryan Thoreson, Bob Wei

Presidential Awards
Da Ping Luo, Devin Coleman, Joanna Hoffman, Katrina Amaro, Nam Le, Richard White

Achievement Award Winners
18 - 24 - Hannah Wolfe, Isaac Grivett
25 - 29 - Zoe Tippl, Mick Aitken
30 - 34 - Katrina Skovan, Ryan Thoreson
35 - 39 - Joanna Hoffman, Dan Ferguson
40 - 44 - Maureen Meehan, Andrew Cunningham
45 - 49 - Lisa Schwartz, David Calfee
50 - 54 - Faith Tempest, Gen Watanabe
55 - 59 - Alexandra Yuster, Douglas Larsen
60 - 64 - Patrick Guilfoyle
65 - 69 - Ruth Gursky, Alan Brown
70+ - Paul Racine



Award Winners
Front Runner of the Year - Paul Racine
Guy Zelenak Volunteer of the Year - Mike Markowitz
AREA Award for Lifetime Contribution - Ruth Gursky
Inspiration Award - Marni Aarlev, Paul Masck
Newcomers - Lisa Teague, Brent Radeke
Most Improved Athletes - Amy Adams, Curtis Knecht
Multisport Athletes - Jayne Charneski, Chris Hollingsworth
Track Runners - Fiona Dhrimaj, Gilbert Gaona
Middle Distance Runners - Maureen Meehan, Colin Ogilvie
Sue Foster Long Distance Runners - Sandra Schmidt, Avanti Peters
Ultra Runners - Cassie Fuller, Steve Waldon

Inger-Jo Berger Participation Award
Dave Caraway, Dan Ferguson, Gilbert Gaona, Patrick Hart, Chris Hollingsworth, Curtis Knecht, Dave Lin, Maureen Meehan, Dennis Ng, Brent Radeke, Manny Romero, Bob Wei

Presidential Awards
Gilbert Gaona, Marty McElhiney, Melanie Moreno, Dennis Ng, Sandra Schmidt, John Tran

Achievement Award Winners
18 - 24 - Lanie Trafford, Connor Deason
25 - 29 - Reese Soco, Martin Sommerschuh
30 - 34 - Kathleen Ketchum, Ryan Thoreson
35 - 39 - Fiona Dhrimaj, Dan Ferguson
40 - 44 - Sandra Schmidt, Eduardo Rojas
45 - 49 - Katrina Amaro, Gen Watanabe
50 - 54 - Faith Tempest, Mike Markowitz
55 - 59 - Janis Grasso, Richard Ervais
60 - 64 - Diane Westerback, Lewis Dilauro
65 - 69 - Paul Racine
70+ - Inger-Jo Berger, Sam Lafata


Award Winners
Front Runner of the Year - Steve Vizena
Guy Zelenak Volunteer of the Year - Brittany Bello
AREA Award for Lifetime Contribution - Marty King
Inspiration Award - Victoria Lee, Aaron Coleman
Newcomers - Karen Makhoul, Alex Lucas
Most Improved Athletes - Florence Hogan, TJ Berardo
Multisport Athletes - Nancy Caruana, Chris Choi
Track Runners - Ashlinn Quinn, John Tran
Middle Distance Runners - Yoshie Yabu, Martin Sommerschuh
Sue Foster Long Distance Runners - Yuko Kosugi, Mike Markowitz
Ultra Runners - Yoshie Yabu, Steven Gross

Inger-Jo Berger Participation Award
Katrina Amaro, Jason Fluegge, Giordano Fusco, Gilbert Gaona, Curtis Knecht, Alex Lucas, Jeff Manning, Shane Mueller, Dennis Ng, Manny Romero, and Bob Wei

Presidential Awards
Todd Burke, Curtis Knecht, Dave Pitches, Paul Racine, John Solano, Ryan Wallace

Achievement Award Winners
18 - 24 - Connor Deason
25 - 29 - Ashley Ortiz, Myles Lock
30 - 34 - Victoria Lee, Steve Waldon
35 - 39 - Nancy Caruana and Sam Sanders, Dan Ferguson
40 - 44 - Sandra Schmidt,Manny Romero
45 - 49 - Yoshie Yabu, Gen Watanabe
50 - 54 - Tara Amato, Marty McElhiney
55 - 59 - Janis Grasso, Richard White
60 - 64 - Ruth Gursky, Stan More
65 - 69 - Paul Racine
70+ - Dave Pitches



Front Runner of the Year -Dan Ferguson
Guy Zelenak Volunteer of the Year - Tara Amato
AREA Award for Lifetime Contribution - Lenore Beaky
Inspiration Award - Wendy Lai, David Lin
Newcomers - Yoshi Yabu, Patrick Hart
Most Improved Athletes - Ashley Marie Ortiz, Jesus Martinez
Multisport Athletes - Yoshi Yabu, Gen Watanbe
Track Runners - Faith Temepst, Gilbert Gaona
Middle Distance Runners - Sandra Schmidt, Colin Ogilvie
Sue Foster Long Distance Runners - Ruth Loos, Richard White
Ultra Runners - Bernie Janelle, Connor Essick

Inger-Jo Berger Participation Award
Jennifer Bougher, Alan Brown, Connor Essick, Daniel Ferguson, Jason Fluegge, Giordano Fusco, Gilbert Gaona , Tim Guscott, Curtis Knecht, David Lin, Miki Mariotti, Michael Markowitz, Jerome McDonnell, Dennis Ng, Manny Romero, Christopher Strouse, Gen Watanabe, David White

Presidential Awards
Brenton Bellomy, Javie Gomez, Lucilla Rastelli, Michael McMahon, Michelle Mazzara

Achievement Award Winners
18 - 24 - Nawal Traish, Myles Lock
25 - 29 - Ashley Ortiz, Luke Carron
30 - 34 - Sam Sanders, Daniel Ferguson
35 - 39 - Anne Duquette, Gabriel Benroth and Breandan Ward
40 - 44 -  Ruth Loos,Manny Romero
45 - 49 - Yoshi Yabu, Gen Watanabe
50 - 54 - Tara Amato, Richard White
55 - 59 - Berni Janelle, Richard Ervais
60 - 64 - Ruth Gursky, Alan Brown
65 - 69 - Paul Racine
70+ - Inger-Jo Berger, Sam LaFata


Front Runner of the Year - Ruth Loos
Guy Zelenak Volunteer of the Year - Jason Fluegge
AREA Award for Lifetime Contribution - Patrick Guilfoyle
Inspiration Award - Samecia Sanders, Michele "Miki" Marriotti
Newcomers - Kimberly Engle, Brenton Bellomy
Most Improved Athletes - Lucilla Rastelli, Bryce Rudyk
Multisport Athletes - Katrina Amaro, Seth Richardson
Track Runners - Jennifer Bougher, Gilbert Gaona
Middle Distance Runners - Leah Serinsky, Gen Watanabe
Sue Foster Long Distance Runners - Michelle Johnson, Dan Ferguson
Ultra Runners - Cindy Hearing, Mark Armbruster

Inger-Jo Berger Participation Award
Katrina Amaro, Brenton Bellomy, Jennifer Bougher, Jeffrey Caprio, Stacey Cooper, Andrew Cunningham, Connor Essick, J Daniel Ferguson, Jason Fluegge, Kerri Fox, Giordano Fusco, Gilbert Gaona, Javie Gomez, Timothy Guscott, Chen Liang, David Lin, Jesus Martinez Jr, Jerome McDonnell, Dennis Ng, Sam Sanders, Jean Simeon, Kurt Steinhouse, Maarten Vandersman, Steven Waldon, Gen Watanabe, David White, Doreen Yankopoulos

Presidential Award
Kerri Fox, Michael Markowitz, Jonathan Schneiderman, Richard Tesler

Achievement Award Winners
18 - 24 - Dani Schubert, Myles Lock
25 - 29 - Devon McSweeney, Kurt Steinhouse
30 - 34 - Leah Serinsky, J Daniel Ferguson
35 - 39 - Jennifer Bougher, Gabe Benroth
40 - 44 -  Ruth Loos, Jerome McDonnell
45 - 49 - Michelle Mazzara, Gen Watanabe
50 - 54 - Doreen Yankopoulos, Richard White
55 - 59 - Karin Lundell, Michael McMahon
60 - 64 -Ruth Gursky, Mark Mascolini
65 - 69 - L enore Beaky, Scott Emmons
70+ - Inger-Jo Berger, Sam LaFata



Front Runner of the Year - Steve Waldon
Guy Zelenak Volunteer of the Year - Michelle Mazzara
AREA Award for Lifetime Contribution - Michael Orzechowski
Inspiration Award - Jennifer Bougher, Miguel Barrios
Newcomers - Sam Sanders, Fernando Aguilar
Most Improved Athletes - Stacey Cooper, Andrew Cunningham
Multisport Athletes - Alison McKenna, Dan Ferguson
Track Runner - Marty McElhiney
Middle Distance Runners - Ruth Loos, Gabe Benroth
Sue Foster Long Distance Runners - Sandra Schmidt, Jerry McDonnell
Ultra Runners - Cindy Hearing, Daniel Geralnick

Inger-Jo Berger Participation Award
Brian Schroeder, Dave Pitches, David Lin, Dennis Ng, Gilbert Gaona, Giordano Fusco, J Daniel Ferguson, Jennifer Bougher, Timothy Guscott, Jason Fluegge

Presidential Awards
Dave Caraway, Jason Fluegge, Kent Lau, Jeff Grossman, Rachel Roegman

Achievement Award Winners
18 - 24 - Diana Ortiz, Michael Klein
25 - 29 - von McSweeney, Brian Schroeder
30 - 34 - Michelle Johnson, J Daniel Ferguson
35 - 39 - Elke Gasselseder, Gabe Benroth
40 - 44 - Ruth Loos, Jerome McDonnell
45 - 49 - Michelle Mazzara, Tim Guscott
50 - 54 - Maritza Arroyo, Richard White
55 - 59 - Bernie Janelle, Philip Greenwald
60 - 64 - Dorothy Fuscaldo, Stan More
65 - 69 - Lenore Beaky, Scott Emmons
70+ - Inger-Jo Berger, Sam LaFata


Front Runner of the Year - Josh Korth
Guy Zelenak Volunteer of the Year - Da Ping Luo
AREA Award for Lifetime Contribution - Mike McMahon,
David Laurence
Inspiration Award - Kerri Fox, Craig Goodwin
Newcomers - Florence Hogan, Michael Klein
Most Improved Athletes - Yarna Wyman, Richard White
Multisport Athletes - Rachel Cutler, Sean Gillick
Track Runner - Allen Durgin
Middle Distance Runners - Ruth Loos, Steve Vizena
Sue Foster Long Distance Runners - Michelle Mazzara, Phil Wahba
Ultra Runners - Bernie Janelle, Jonathan Warner

Points Participation Award
Matt Kovich, Rachel Cutler, Giordano Fusco, Karl Rutter, Craig Goodwin, Michael Klein, Amy Adams

Presidential Awards
Dane Grams, Brendan Maroney, Karl Rutter, Michael Klein
Steve Gerben Award - Ruth Loos, Thomas Hammer
Mickey Zacuto Award - Ruth Loos, Richard White

Achievement Award Winners
18 - 24 - Devon McSweeney, Michael Klein
25 - 29 - Megan McDavid, John MacConnell
30 - 34 - Michelle Johnson, J Daniel Ferguson
35 - 39 - Elke Gasselseder, Gabe Benroth
40 - 44 - Ruth Loos, Michael Caveliere
45 - 49 - Michelle Mazzara, Robert Williams Jr.
50 - 54 - Bernie Janelle, Patrick Guilfoyle
55 - 59 - Karin Lundell, Steve Vizena
60 - 64 - Dorothy Fuscaldo, Mark Mascolini
65 - 69 - Lenore Beaky, David K. Pitches
70+ - Judith Adessa, Sam LaFata



Front Runner of the Year - Rachel Cutler
Guy Zelenak Volunteer of the Year - Martha M. D
AREA Award for Lifetime Contribution - David K. Pitches
Newcomers - Lourdes Blanco, Giordano Fusco
Most Improved Athletes - Michele Mazzara, Matt Anderson
Multisport Athletes - Cindy Hearing, Mike Terry
Track Runners - AJ Stachelek, Martin McElhiney
Middle Distance Runners - Natalie Johnston, Gabe Benroth
Sue Foster Long Distance Runners - Jill Crouther, Josh Korth
Ultra Runners - Bernie Janelle, Jonathan Warner
Coach's Awards - Blossom Coryat, Allen Durgin

Presidential Awards
Jennifer Wisdom and Argus Galindo, Da Ping Luo, TJ Storch, Brittany Freese, Michael Orzechowski

Achievement Award Winners
18 - 29 - Alison McKenna, Josh Korth
30 - 39 - Rachel Cutler, Gabe Benroth
40 - 49 - Hilary Lorenz, Chris Stoia
50 - 59 - Bernie Janelle, Patrick Guilfoyle
60 - 69 - Inger-Jo Berger, David K. Pitches
70+ - Sam LaFata


Front Runner of the Year - David Lin
Guy Zelenak Volunteer of the Year - Rachel Cutler
AREA Award for Lifetime Contribution - Inger-Jo Berger
Newcomers - Benjamin Corbett, AJ Stachelek
Most Improved Athletes - Ruth Gursky, Peter Macari
Multisport Athletes - Janice Jabido, Mike Terry
Track Runners - Megan Jenkins, Kelsey Louie
Middle Distance Runners - Cindy Hearing, John MacConnell
Sue Foster Long Distance Runners - Tim Guscott, Ali McKenna

Presidential Awards
Gabriel Celis, Les James, Da Ping Luo, Mike Totaro, Jeff Werner

Achievement Award Winners
18 - 29 - Ali McKenna, Rich Velazquez
30 - 39 - Megan Jenkins, Gabe Benroth
40 - 49 - Chris Stoia, CIndy Hearing
50 - 59 - Bernie Janelle, Patrick Guilfoyle
60+ - Lenore Beaky, Paul Racine



Front Runner of the Year - Rich Velazquez
Guy Zelenak Volunteer of the Year - Blossom C.
AREA Award for Lifetime Contribution - Paul Racine
Newcomers - Lori Braun, Elena Villareal, Josh Korth
Most Improved Athletes - Linda Paparella, Timmy Wilson
Tritons of the Year - Rachel Cutler, Ryan Singer
Lee Gorman Cyclist of the Year - Liz Hines
Middle Distance Runners - Rachel Kliegman, Brent Peterson
Sue Foster Long Distance Runners - Sandi Rowe, Richard White

Presidential Awards
Inger-Jo Berger, Jim Brandon, Sam Lafata, Jerry McDonnell and Marty Trac

Achievement Award Winners
18 - 29 - Jill Crouther, Rich Velazquez
30 - 39 - Rachel Kliegman, Kelsey Louie
40 - 49 - Tim Guscott, Jennifer Ishii
50 - 59 - Patrick Guilfoyle, Bernadette Janelle
60+ - Lenore Beaky, Sam Lafata


Front Runner of the Year - Chris Stoia
Guy Zelenak Volunteer of the Year - Kelsey Louie
AREA Award for Lifetime Contribution - Dan Armstrong
Newcomers - John MacConnell, Les James
Most Improved Athletes - Peter McGrane, Mickey Comerford
Tritons of the Year - Rosario Gennaro, Katrina Amaro
Lee Gorman Cyclist of the Year - Larry Boes
Middle Distance Runners - Ryan Quinn, Loren Mooney
Sue Foster Long Distance Runners - IJ Frame, Audra Farrell

Presidential Awards
Alexander Kristofcak, Rob Lyons, Bob Nelson

Achievement Award Winners
18 - 29 - Ryan Quinn, Lucia Muntean
30 - 39 - Kelsey Louie, Audra Farrell
40 - 49 - Patrick Guilfoyle, Lynn Canfield
50 - 59 - Steven Vizena, Paulette Meggoe
60+ - David Pitches, Lenore Beaky



Front Runner of the Year - Dave Pitches
Guy Zelenak Volunteer of the Year - Joseph Lim
AREA Award for Lifetime Contribution - Lenore Beaky
Newcomers - Kieran O'Mahony, Hilary Lorenz
Most Improved Athletes - Dave Lin, Jen Ishii
Tritons of the Year - Bruce Wonderbar, Barbara Krajewski
Lee Gorman Cyclist of the Year - Fritz Van Orden
Middle Distance Runners - Brad Gayman, Lucia Muntean
Sue Foster Long Distance Runners - Zander Ross, Kerstin Marx

Achievement Award Winners
18 - 29 - Charlie Herschel, Mollie Berliss
30 - 39 - Kelsey Louie, Audra Farrell
40 - 49 - Patrick Guilfoyle, Hilary Lorenz
50 - 59 - Mark Mascolini, Paulette Meggoe
60+ - David Pitches, Lenore Beaky


Front Runner of the Year - Patrick Guilfoyle
Guy Zelenak Volunteer of the Year - Katrina Amaro
Newcomers - Jason Rudman, Mollie Berliss
Most Improved Athletes - Phil Wahba, Stephanie Tuerk
Tritons of the Year - Joseph Lim, Joanne Dondero
Middle Distance Runners - Steven Vizena, Julie DeLaurier
Sue Foster Long Distance Runners - Rich Velazquez, Stephanie Ogden

Achievement Award Winners
18 - 29 - Rich Velazquez, Stephanie Tuerk
30 - 39 - Jerry McDonnell, Kerstin Marx
40 - 49 - Patrick Guilfoyle, Jeannie Herlihy
50 - 59 - Mark Mascolini, Paulette Meggoe
60+ - David Pitches, Lenore Beaky



Front Runner of the Year - Claudia Cummings
Guy Zelenak Volunteer of the Year - Michael Orzechowski
Newcomers - Francisco Ramirez-Valle, Jill Crouther
Most Improved Athletes - Andrew Butler, Elena Rahona
Tritons of the Year - Dennis Manalo, Joanne Dondero
Lee Gorman Cyclist of the Year - Shawn Hill
Cross Country Runners - David Pitches, Emily Siegel
Track Runner - Robert Lennon

Presidential Awards
Rich Velazquez, Donna Checkan, Sean Butler, Loren Mooney, John Whoole

Achievement Award Winners
18 - 29 - Kelsey Louie, Stephanie Tuerk
30 - 39 - Mark Ansell, Claudia Cummings
40 - 49 - Michael Benjamin, Justine Repaci
50 - 59 - David Pitches, Lenore Beaky
60+ - Charles Whelan, Inger Berger


Front Runner of the Year - The Membership
Guy Zelenak Volunteer of the Year - Dan Armstrong
Newcomers - Mark Ansell, Emily Siegel
Most Improved Athletes - Ian Granick, Claudia Cummings
Tritons of the Year - David Pitches, Audra Farrell
Lee Gorman Cyclists of the Year - Shawn Hill, Magda Teter
Cross Country Runners - Rosario Gennaro, Claudia Cummings
Track Runners - Kelsey Louie, Jennifer Ishii

Presidential Awards
John Kiley, Lee Abbey, Don Peppler

Achievement Award Winners
18 - 29 - Kelsey Louie, Elena Rahona
30 - 39 - Mark Ansell, Claudia Cummingsmings
40 - 49 - Rob Hoerburger, Donna Checkan
50+ - Jerry Levine, Lenore Beaky



Front Runner of the Year - Kelsey Louie
Guy Zelenak Volunteer of the Year - Paul Racine
Newcomers - Kevin Brewer, Elena Rahona
Most Improved Athletes - Rob Hoerburger, Yvonne Bock
Tritons of the Year - Dan Gallagher, Evelyn Heinbach
Lee Gorman Cyclists of the Year - Lee Gorman, Richard Gottlieb
Cross Country Runners - Rich Velazquez, Claudia Cummings
Track Runner - Kelsey Louie

Achievement Award Winners
18 - 29 - Kelsey Louie, Christine Gero
30 - 39 - Dave Caraway, Audra Farrell
40 - 49 - Rob Hoerburger, Donna Checkan
50+ - Paul Racine, Lenore Beaky


Front Runner of the Year - Marty McElhiney
Guy Zelenak Volunteers of the Year - Mike McMahon, Dave Laurence
Most Improved Athletes - Glenn Nobel, Yvonne Bock
Tritons of the Year - Les Jones, Claudia Cummings
Lee Gorman Cyclists of the Year - Bob Nelson, Paulette Meggoe
Points: Open - Devon Carranza, Christina Hildebrand
Points: Masters - Tor Hansen, Paulette Meggoe
Points: Veterans - Paul Racine, Lenore Beaky